how to create admob unit id | Admob google | Techvaccine

AdMob is a Google product that helps you place advertisements on mobile networks, allowing you to monetize your Android app. By integrating AdMob into your app, you can start earning instantly. If you have published a free app, then surely AdMob is the best option to earn money from your apps.

Integration of AdMob code into your Android application is very easy, currently, AdMob has four different types of ads:

banner ad
Native advertising
Reward advertising
Interstitial advertisement
I'll talk about all the ads later, but first, we'll need an AdMod account to create an Ad Unit ID. So let's get started.

How to create an AdMob account?
To create AdMob account search AdMob in Google and sign up with your Gmail account or you can click here to signup for AdMob account.
Read all the terms and conditions and accept it.
Once you've created your account, you'll land on the home page of your AdMob account, which looks like the screenshot below.
How to generate Ad Unit ID for Android App?
Generating the ad unit ID for all advertisements ie banner advertisement, original advertisement, rewarded advertisement and inter-state advertisement is same. Follow the steps below to create an ad unit ID.

Click on the available app on the left side of your AdMob account dashboard.
Then enter your app name and choose the platform.
After this click on Create Ad Unit, there you will get four options i.e. Banner Ad, Native Ad, Rewarded Ad and Interstitial Ad.
Select one by one and follow the steps to get the ad unit ID.
Suppose you have selected Banner Ad, then a window will open where you have to type the name Ad Unit. This name will be anything, it is for your reference only.
After typing the name click on the save button.
You will be redirected to the page that will give you the ad unit ID, which looks like ca-app-pub-0xx4570763xxxxxx / 3326xxxxx.
If you have finished or hit another AD unit, click if you want to create ad units for other formats as well.
For your reference, I have added some screenshots that take a look at that.

This way you can create ad unit IDs for other ad formats as well.
This is for this article
Hope you liked the article and it will help you in creating AdMob Ad Unit ID.

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